A significant and difficult realization of Bohumil and Eva Fant was the construction of the tombstone of St. Vojtěch in a historically significant place in the centre of the Cathedral of St. Vitus, Wenceslas and Vojtěch. It was symbolically completed and consecrated exactly on the day of the millennial anniversary of Vojtěch's martyrdom. The authors designed a new tombstone for the original Gothic tomb of St. Vojtěch, the Czech patron saint and bishop of Prague, in the Cathedral of St. Vitus, Wenceslas and Vojtěch at Prague Castle. The solution also included the design of a new paving arrangement. The chapter's requirement was that the new arrangement should not impede the free movement of visitors to the cathedral, but the architects also had to preserve the historic Gothic masonry, which reached higher than the current floor. For these reasons, the new tombstone of Slivenec marble - framed by a geometrically treated bronze border with inscription - is slightly raised above the level of the pavement, with paved ramps rising up to it on all sides. "The slight elevation of the tomb not only addresses the need to preserve the intact Gothic masonry, but also conveys a new artistic quality, consisting of a raised form that emphasizes the internal tension of the site. The light and colours of the stained-glass windows, reflected in the polished marble slab, underline the impressive impression of a radiance that revives thousand-year-old ideas" (Eva and Bohumil Fant, author's report).
O sv. Vojtěchu nově v katedrále sv. Víta, Ateliér, 1997, roč. 26, č. 1, s. 2.
Nový náhrobní kámen sv. Vojtěcha v pražské katedrále, Architekt, 1997, roč. 43, č. 23, s. 36–37.
Patron zářící nepřítomnosti, Architekt, 1997, roč. 43, č. 2, s. 35–36.