Interiors of Hotel International, Brno

Zdeňka Kopecká / Vilém Kuba, Jaroslav Ledvina, Vítězslav Unzeitig, Miloslav Kramoliš, Arnošt Krejza, Miroslav Brabec, Zbyšek Kašpar
49.1949842N, 16.6054819E

Hotel International in Brno, built in connection with the expansion of the International Engineering Fairs between 1958-1962 according to the design of M. Kramolis, A. Krejza, M. Brabec and Z. Kopecká (who elaborated on an earlier concept by V. Kuba, J. Ledvina and V. Unzeitig) represents an example of the so-called Brussels style in Czechoslovak architecture. The representative character of the hotel was also reflected in the high-quality artistic decoration and the elaborate interior designed by the architect Zdeňka Kopecká. The interior design stood out not only in the social areas of the hotel (the entrance lobby, the Siesta café, the Plzeňka restaurant and the souvenir and flower shop), but also in the furnishings of the hotel rooms and suites.